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Doll’s clothes the only thing that would fit me when I was born

In 1933, when George Perry was born 14 weeks early, no one expected him to still be here 78 years later.

Mr Perry was born on October 13, 1933 at Bristol General Hospital and weighed just 2lbs.

The former shoe repairer, who is married to Sally, was blue when he was born due to lack of oxygen. He had to spend the first three months of his life in the hospital.

When he was a few years older doctors discovered that George had cerebral palsy, but he has never let his illness stand in his way.

In 1952, very few babies survived after being born at just 27 weeks and now about 95% of babies born between 25 and 26 weeks survive without any serious problems.

George is something of a medical marvel considering when he was born in the1930s. He has been told all of his life how lucky he was to survive, especially when he was born at a time when there was very little understanding of neonatal medicine in comparison to what we know today.

George said: “I was blue and they gave me oxygen and I survived. Everyone I have seen in the medical profession over the years has said I am extremely lucky to have survived.

“I was in hospital for about three months when I was born and all the clothes I had did not fit me so my grandmother went to Woolworths in Bedminster and got some doll’s clothes. Even then the sleeves had to be rolled up to fit me.”


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