What's Happening in Gloucester blog

Plug is pulled at university

University students and staff took part in an organised power cut to highlight the issue of sustainable energy.

The plug was pulled on the power at the Oxstalls Lane, Gloucester, campus of the University of Gloucestershire for an hour as part of the campaign. Rooms affected included the learning centre, teaching rooms, halls of residence, offices and Student Union bar.

The blackout followed a Sustainability Fayre at the campus, where local businesses and organisations who support sustainable lifestyles were talking about energy consumption and demonstrating items such as portable, pedal-powered music devices.

The fayre ran throughout the day before the hour-long power cut at the campus between 6.30pm and 7.30pm. Pedal-powered music provided some of the entertainment from 6pm until 8pm at the Oxstalls Students’ Union bar during the project.

The day was organised by events management students at the university. Kimberley Higginbottom, one of the organisers, said: “It provided an opportunity for actively engaging in raising awareness and understanding of sustainable issues and our consumption activities.

“We were aiming to deliver an experience to the university community that encouraged people to get involved and consider the impact of their actions.

“We aspire to inform others of the consequences of our lifestyles and how we can live incorporating sustainability into our everyday lives.”

The evening event in the Students’ Union was free to attend and included a barbecue, special edition Blackout cocktails, a Sustainability Top Tips quiz, and acoustic entertainment from performers including singer songwriter Ellie Dussek.

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