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Can students save the pond?

A charity has called on local students for help in saving their dying pond.

The Chislehurst Society is hoping students from Greenwich University can come up with a solution to salvage the Prickend Pond.

The pond, off Chislehurst High Street, is in a state of decline due to low rainfall, Canada geese eating many of the plants and erosion.

The society, a charity set up to preserve and enhance the quality of life in Chislehurst, has asked architecture students to draw up landscaping designs that could solve the problem.

Chislehurst Society secretary Derek Nash said: “The students have been hard at work since January and have produced something.

“I’ve not yet seen what that something is yet, but I rather gather it’s not the pond as we know it. We’re hoping for a miracle.

“I do not expect them to do something about the rainfall, but there are plants that the Canada geese won’t eat and is it worth taking the island back to the original size and protecting it from the geese?

“It could cost £200,000 to fix and is it worth spending that money or do we just accept that the pond has had its day?

“We are lacking a village green so that might be an option, but it seems daft with the acreage of the common.”

The designs produced by the students went on display in the Chislehurst Methodist Church at the end of May for members of the public to view.

Visitors to the exhibition were asked to leave their comments in a book for the society to see.


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